Have you ever heard the White Horse Story? It’s a metaphor for life, and in a nutshell, it goes like this:
A farmer and his son lived alone because the wife/mom had died. (How awful…)
One day a beautiful white horse showed up at the farm and the farmer and son got to keep it. (How great!)
As the son was riding the white horse he fell off and broke his leg. (How awful…)
It was a time of war for the village where the son and farmer lived and the military needed all the young men to come and fight; but because the son had broken his leg and could not go, the farmer did not lose his son to war. (How great!)
When all the young men got back from the war, they were given great riches which they shared with their families. But the farmer, whose son did not participate because of the broken leg, got nothing. (How awful…)
And on and on it goes. Hmmm… see a pattern? I don’t remember when I first heard that story, but I still remember the awesome metaphor for life that it is. Life just keeps going. It’s a continuous cycle of experiences – some we label “good” and some “bad.” It seems, however, that sometimes the label is more accurately pronounced weeks, months, or even years later.
Here’s what I mean. Don’t you remember that there have been things that happened to you that at the moment really sucked (relationship breakup, getting laid off, illness of you or a loved one, you didn’t make the team or get the promotion, a car accident, a money mess up, true loss, or any of the other seemingly endless times that a situation didn’t turn out the way you wanted it to)… but that later turned out beautifully (beyond what you thought possible) or became an important part of your heart’s or soul’s growth?
I think we can’t afford to miss that possibility – the possibility that the “bad” things that happen – although they definitely do suck in the moment (let’s never pretend they don’t!) – can and do often turn out to assist in uplifting/helping/healing us in some way.
So, here’s a beautiful way to move through the White Horse Story that is life. It’s also your provocation for the month! When something “good” happens to you (because it often will!) be there with it…fully, deliciously basking in every precious moment of its goodness of it! And if something “bad” happens to you (because it sometimes will!) be kind to yourself in the moment, hold yourself gently and patiently as you allow the yucky/sucky feeling to move through, and then… even if the “bad” feels like it’s too present or too big to ever not be there, remember the White Horse Story of Life knowing “this too shall pass.”
And maybe… just maybe… some great good for your life will grow from it!
If we remember that possibility we’ll all get through the sucky “How awful…” times more gracefully and more quickly. The Universe is kind of magic that way.
Please join me for my free monthly online program: Self-Love is the Path 1st Tuesdays each month 7 pm EST. Register HERE for Tuesday, Dec 6.