This week is about shifting your frequency to a higher vibration – because you can!
And when you do, you tune your inner radio to the station that matches the perspectives, insights, and knowing of your inner Being, Higher Self, still small voice of God, Goddess within, divine guidance, or whatever you like to call that higher Essence available to each of us.
Here’s one reason to care about that. Whatever heart’s desires you have been feeling – they have the ability to grow into reality. Really! As soon as a desire “hatches,” our Divine Essence is all over it and says, “Alright, let’s begin to move toward that! Here’s what to do (or not do) to get started.” The only issue is, often we can’t hear those inner messages because we don’t believe they’re available to us, or maybe we don’t believe we’re worthy of that much good, or perhaps we’re just not in the habit of listening for our powerful inner guidance system.
But regardless – that guidance is always there, always available, and always projecting information and ideas to us! In order to access that guidance, all we need to do is lift ourselves into higher vibrations of energy. One way to do that is to shift away from negative or draining emotions – which are lower energies/frequencies – and into positive or uplifting emotions – which are higher frequency.
Now, I don’t want you to think I’m saying that negative emotions are bad, or that we shouldn’t have them, because I’m not saying that at all! All emotions add to the richness and depth of our lives. It’s only a problem if we make a habit of staying in negative emotions. It’s a problem because not only do negative emotions deplete us, but they also make it harder to hear our inner guidance.
So, what can you do if you’ve been feeling stressed or overdone? You can make the shift to a positive or uplifting emotion, which is a practical way to tune your inner radio to “hear” the powerful intuition of your Higher Self. That voice is always radiating ideas and guidance about living a grander version of yourself.
How do we do it? We take the effort – and sometimes it is effort – to shift ourselves out of stressful emotions like frustration, anxiety, self-criticism, guilt, or anything else that drains us, and reach for a positive or uplifting emotion. Did you know we don’t have to wait around for something good to happen before we feel positive emotions? Instead, we can take the time and focus to experience an uplifting feeling “on demand”! How cool is that?! And that’s how we can line up with our more intelligent, higher perspectives.
Feel the positive shift that happens as you read slowly through the below questions and let your answers emerge. When an answer comes up, just bask in it for a few moments before you move on to the next question.
• Think of a person or pet that you love or appreciate. What’s something that makes them special to you?
• Remember a positive or fun time in your life. Whether recently or long ago, what made it such a good experience?
• Do you remember a time when you laughed really hard? Try to re-experience some of what made it so funny.
• Think about a time when you felt proud of yourself or completed something important.
• Do you have a place that you love to be? Remember the specifics about it using memories of all your senses; try to do it enough to re-experience it.
• Are there songs that make you feel really good when you hear them? Listen to one of them.
• Bring to mind a challenging time you had and thank your younger self for the courage and strength s/he had to get you safely through.
• Remember a time when you were supportive or kind to someone who was in need. How did that feel to get to help?
• Was there someone who profoundly changed your life for the better? Bring them to mind; now radiate gratitude from your heart to theirs.
• Who or what matters to your heart? Feel your natural inclination to want them to experience happiness and health and well-being. Imagine sending them love and your wish for them to experience their highest good.
Stay with it until you feel a positive or uplifting emotion. Some days it might take several minutes; other days you might feel an uplifting, happy, or peaceful feeling quite quickly. Either way it’s worth the effort and it shifts you toward your higher, spiritually tuned vibration!
Take good care of yourself this week – just because you deserve to!