If I could give you one gift, it would be to look at yourself the same way you look at others in your life that you love or hold dear. I am deciding to gift that upon myself for all of 2022! Me loving me in spite of my “less than perfectness.” Will you join me?
It’s odd, but true, that it really is a choice. It doesn’t seem like a choice; it seems like we need to wait until we are worthy… or better… or perfect… or fixed… or nicer… or skinnier… or more spiritual… or do everything right… or have enough time/money… or get enough “likes,” etc…. before we hold ourselves with the same love and acceptance that we so often and so easily give out to others we value.
But here’s the deal. Me waiting to love me until I’m completely loveable is like me waiting to work out until I’m already totally in shape! Isn’t that kind of a crack up? It just doesn’t work that way. Instead, we start where we are – no matter how unfamiliar it is. Me, practicing loving me today; you, practicing loving you today. It’s just a choice we can make. And eventually, if we keep doing it, it can become a new habit.
So, the gift I would give to you if I could, would be to ooze through you the habit of actively, intentionally, happily loving and valuing yourself exactly as you are at this present moment. Just like we do with the people that we already love – even the ones who annoy us! It’s not just the good parts of them that help us love them. It’s the whole way they are – with their good parts, but also the “other” parts…too fat, too thin, too old, too young, too soft, too hard, too broke, too wealthy, too busy, too overdone, too scared, too sad, too happy, too frustrated, too depressed, too anxious, too sick, too fake, too embarrassed, too vulnerable, too less than, too impatient, too hurried… and all the other ways they show up. Along with their good parts, it’s their weaknesses, weirdnesses, and vulnerabilities that make them more loveable to us. We can decide the same goes for ourselves!
In that light, here’s your provocation throughout this first beautiful month of 2022: Decide to practice loving you in spite of how not “good” or “worthy” or “lovable” or “okay” you feel. Decide today to be easy with you… and let yourself off the hook… and trust the goodness within you… and bask in your strengths and positive qualities… and look expectantly and patiently for the good parts that are still growing … and hold yourself kindly, gently and with Mama Bear strength every time you feel broken or sad or embarrassed or less than or are hurting in any way.
We could begin to heal the whole planet if we do that. Here’s one way to start. Set your phone clock for every hour (when you’re awake). Each time your alarm rings put your hands either on your heart or cup your hands on your face and ask: “If I chose to be loving to myself, what do I need right now?” And then sit quietly for a few minutes. Don’t worry about what you do or don’t “get.” I promise that even the willingness to ask the question will begin powerful, positive shifts for you. It may feel awkward at first… but it will also feel beautiful, healing, and empowering in your soul!
May you feel the love which is infinitely radiating to you and through you!