Add Your Light to Inauguration Day

by | Jan 20, 2021 | Avoiding Stress, Health & Wellbeing, Self-Improvement

Today, on Inauguration Day, I ask two things of you:

1. Take 2 minutes right now to radiate energies of love, light, healing, and safety across the United States to all the Inauguration ceremonies of today. (Please do it even if you are reading this at a later date; quantum physics says it still works!)

Do it your own way or try this process:

Close your eyes and take a few long, slow breaths… as if you could breathe in and out through your heart or chest area. When you feel your body relax or soften a bit, then imagine a stream of light moving out from your own heart carrying the awesome power of love and light and caring and compassion and healing and well-being. See this stream of light from your heart rolling gently through your own body first… then through your home… through your community… across your state… to all the state capitals… across the whole U.S… and finally imagining it easily spreading across the whole planet.

2. And secondly, hold in your heart those people everywhere who are feeling isolated, frustrated, tired, hopeless, scared, confused, sad, dissatisfied, or mad right now. Those are often the people “behaving badly” (and we have all been “those” people at one time or another, even if in smaller, less hurtful ways). Quietly hold this powerful healing intention for those everywhere who are scared, angry, “behaving badly” or suffering in any way:

May you know peace at the depth of your being.
May you know kindness moving toward you and out from you.
May you be free from pain and suffering.
May you be ever loved and loving.
May you be safe, happy, healthy, and live with ease.

Don’t buy into believing a small action from one person can’t make a difference. It can. We are powerful and loving beyond measure. YOU are powerful and loving beyond measure, and we just shifted things. (Even at a small level we did just shift things! How cool is that?)