“Love heals all things.”
Spiritual texts and sages have been giving us that message for a long time. But what if it wasn’t just the stuff of religious writings and poets, of ancient philosophers, famous quotes, and songs? What if the wisdom and potential of love – today, in this moment – was much more present and much more powerful than we have yet let ourselves understand?
Julia Dennis, an exceptionally talented healer friend of mine, has a favorite quote by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a French philosopher and Jesuit priest. The quote says, “Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness [for God] the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.” Isn’t that awesome? Sometimes I get this exciting chill that goes right through me when I think for a moment about that actually being true. That really… with our day-to-day things like our bodies and money and relationships and jobs and personal challenges right here and right now…what if, perhaps, love could heal it all?
What if you had the capability to access love and then do beautiful things with it? What if I did too? And people everywhere as well. I think we do have that capability.
So, that’s your provocation for the week. Act like it’s true that love can heal all things and that you can access love’s healing power. So first, decide what you will work on healing. My gentle suggestion is to work on something meaningful enough to matter (i.e. not the paper-cut you got yesterday) but not so big (i.e. world peace or deep resentment that’s been around for decades) that your belief says, “Not possible.” You can work on those later!
The next step is to surround the situation with love. There are many ways to access love. If you already have a process that works to help you feel the emotion of love, compassion, caring or appreciation – go for it (prayer, meditation, and practicing gratitude are all quite beautiful and effective)!
Or feel free to try this simple but beautiful process: Give yourself 5-10 minutes somewhere quiet where you won’t be bothered, and where you feel comfortable closing your eyes. Breathe gently, with a few long, slow inhales…and long, slow exhales. Next, bring to mind the situation, experience, body part, or person that you want to heal, and silently say something like, “It is my intention to bring love to this, with the desire to heal it for the highest and best for all concerned.” Then finally, give a sincere attempt to access a positive emotion like love or appreciation or compassion or peace or ease or kindness or caring. When you get to that heart feeling, imagine radiating it to the person (whether to yourself or another) or situation you are working on healing. Continue for 5-10 minutes.
We are each more powerful for affecting good than we think we are. What if all of us did this practice all over the world – intentionally accessed love to heal – even just for one day? Wow…. Treat yourself, today, like you have the healing power of love within you… because you do!