Want More Joy? Self-Love is the Path!
Joy is your birthright and practicing self-love is the fastest and most graceful way to get there. This popular program will remind you of your inherent goodness and teach you powerful and intelligent self-love tools that will uplift and inspire you. Learn the important reasons self-love benefits you AND others, why it isn’t “selfish” in the traditional way, and why it feels so good to do it!

The Wisdom of Loving Ourselves: Why We Haven’t Used It & How We Can
Even with the growing acceptance of the importance of self-care, it remains easier to take better care of others than ourselves. It also remains common to be more familiar with self-criticism than self-love. And while we know these habits have added to our stress and have not served our overall well-being, it has not been easy to change those behaviors. In this empowering program, you will learn why self-love has been a challenge, what makes loving ourselves the most intelligent (and not-selfish) choice we can make, and how to put self-love into practice in easy ways that can literally transform your life.
The Stress Relief & Self-Care Happy Hour
There is clearly a need to make intelligent self-care a priority. This program gives you the permission and pragmatic tools to get you started! You’ll be reminded of the importance of engaging in your own self-kindness, and you will learn the simple and powerful “3-Step Self-Care Process,” which not only feels good, but also shifts your nervous system into the powerful “Rest, Digest, and Heal” mode. You’ll leave feeling uplifted and inspired to move toward your own well-being.

Compassion vs. Empathy Fatigue – A Simple and Very Effective Premise for Stopping Emotional Drain
Research shows that empathy and compassion are 2 different processes. One leads quickly to energy drain and burnout; one increases personal energy, resilience, and well-being – even when working with difficult people or situations. Compassion creates Coherence in the electromagnetic field. When we are in a state of physiological Coherence, we are less affected by others’ stress and can better serve those around us without becoming depleted. This program will introduce science and techniques to alleviate burnout and increase energy.
I’d Be Fine if it Wasn’t for You! What to do When People Won’t Behave
Does it ever feel like your life would be easier if people would…behave? Does it seem like a few actually TRY to make people’s lives more difficult? If so, what is the very best reason to make others change? What happens to you (and your physiology) when they don’t? What can you do to ensure your own well-being in the midst of their choices? Come to this light-hearted class to learn intelligent tools and techniques to help find relief when others don’t behave.

The Healing Power of Self-Compassion
Did you know that current research shows it’s actually more effective to motivate ourselves with kindness rather than criticism? And that it’s possible to get through life’s challenging situations with less stress and more ease? It turns out that giving compassion to ourselves is as important as giving it to others, but many of us have learned to exclude ourselves from our circle of compassion. Learn the three elements of Self-Compassion, what current research says about it, and what techniques can be used to help get you started.
“This was one of the best, if not the best, presentations I have been to. I would like to see Darcy again in the future. The list of 5 keys is awesome.”
The New Science of Gratitude
The benefits of practicing gratitude are nearly endless. People who regularly practice gratitude by taking time to notice and reflect upon the things they are thankful for experience more positive emotions, feel more alive, sleep better, express more compassion and kindness, and even have stronger immune systems. Learn the cutting-edge science behind the benefits of gratitude, then learn specific gratitude techniques to improve your own health, happiness, and overall well-being.

Create a Grander Version of Yourself: The 30-Day Challenge
What if in 30 days you could be living a greater version of yourself? What if you let yourself become aware of the deep, inner wisdom that told you your life matters and that you deserve to be happy and fulfilled? This energizing program presents a 30-Day Challenge that includes a “5-Step Process” to help you move successfully toward any goal you choose. After the program, you’ll be able to put the process into practice easily and effectively.
5 Proven Strategies to Reduce Stress & Feel Fabulous Now!
Positive emotions have been linked with better health, longer life, and greater well-being in numerous scientific studies. “Harnessing the Power of Happiness, Personal Strength, and Mindfulness” was a Harvard Medical School Special Report exploring the concepts that have made “Positive Psychology” the most popular course at Harvard University. Come and learn the 5 proven strategies – based on Harvard research – that can increase your well-being and happiness.

“Dr. Lord was SO passionate about the topic! It was impossible to not leave feeling better because she was so positive and convincing!”

What Happiness Does to Your Brain and Why You Should Care
Did you know research shows that when we prime our brains to be positive, that we actually test higher on all 15 different types of intelligence? Also, that research in the fields of psychology, neuroscience, management studies, and worksite wellness shows that positive emotions lead to not only greater life satisfaction, but also better mental clarity and focus, increased self-management, and greater success too? Come and learn some of the surprising research changing the way we think about emotions, the brain, success, and happiness!
Accessing MBBE (Mind, Body, Breath, Emotions) for Personal & Spiritual Growth
The healing and uplifting possibilities we can access if we listen to and honor the wisdom of our body, our mind, our breath, and our emotions is astounding. Come and explore simple ways to increase your well-being and feel re-energized more quickly after challenging situations. Learn how to actively use MBBE (Mind, Body, Breath, and Emotions) “On Demand” to increase your ease and inspiration in the moment, and to move happily along your personal and spiritual path.

The Unfortunate Art of Over-Care: And How to Transform It
Sometimes caring for others leaves us feeling filled up, energized, and strong. Sometimes, however, it can lead to feeling depleted, exhausted, frustrated, or even resentful. It is at these times that care has crossed into Over-Care. In this important program you will learn about Over-Care and discover important concepts and techniques to guard against it. Use the techniques immediately to feel more balanced, calm, and re-energized.
Reversing Insomnia with CBT-I (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia):
Evidence-Based Help
Do you ever have difficulty falling (or staying) asleep? Do you ever worry about your sleep or wake up feeling tired? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “Insufficient Sleep is a Public Health Epidemic.” The American College of Physicians stated that CBT-I should be the first-line treatment for adults with insomnia. Learn the science of sleep, the three causes of chronic insomnia, and tools to help you get the sleep you have been wanting!

“Darcy’s programs get noticed. This is the kind of difference we like to make in people’s lives…”